Thamboville Early Childhood Development Centre

We are currently raising funds to build a new pre-primary school in the Thamboville Township outside of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

School Owner/Teacher
Rose Mngadi

Still in progress, project started 2022

Current status
Phase I- In progress, fully funded.

  • Fully refurbish existing 2 room building. Including fixing walls, new roofing, new ceiling, new vents, and structural improvements

  • Build bathroom with 4 flush toilets and sink

  • Full plumbing for the entire site including 2 water storage tanks and water pump

  • Full sewage line and septic tank

Phase II- Needs funding, estimated total cost $15,000

  • Build 3 classrooms attached to existing building for babies, toddlers, and preschooler

Phase III- Needs funding, estimated total cost $13,000

  • Build large hall attached to classrooms for overflow space and for special functions

Phase IV- Needs funding, estimated total cost $5,000

  • Finish kitchen space

  • Finish garden with play space and jungle gym

  • Stairs to school, and fencing around the perimeter

The current building for the preschool, in Rose’s own home. The initial structure for the new school with 2 rooms built on the donated land.

Improvements being made on the initial building. The walls did not reach the ceilings previously, and now they are fully enclosed(above). Vents have been added, roof and ceiling are being replaced. Outside structural improvements have been made(Below).

Progress being made on the new bathroom, with 4 flush toilets and sink

New septic tank added

Mdu. our foreman and his construction crew.